Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ontario and Quebec…Cultures in Conflict

As we left Quebec on Friday, 6/25 and arrived in Ontario, Ottawa that night, we realized that the provinces are distinctly different in terms of nationalism, language, and politics. When you are in Quebec, the flags you see on people’s property and storefronts represent Quebec (blue + white with a fleur-de-lis), not the official Canadian flag (red + white with the maple leaf), there are no signs in English (the primary language is French) and politically, there has been an ongoing succession movement for Quebec to become an independent country. 

In Ottawa, at the campsite, we met Canadians, who interestingly enough, are “snowbirds” that winter in Florida for six months and during the summer they reside at Recreationland Campground (they were our “neighbors” at the site). They were quite vocal about their disdain for the French Separatist Movement and made a point that Quebec would benefit more from promoting their unique French culture as an attraction for tourism, rather than putting up cultural barriers. Personally, we found those in Quebec to be welcoming and accommodating. Aside from the cultural differences, both areas have been a pleasurable experience for us. Magnifique!

Highlights in Ottawa included:
·      The Museum of Civilization http://www.civilization.ca/cmc/home
·      Bymarket Square (charming shops, cafes, and produce + flower stands)
·      Beautiful national government buildings (especially the Parliament)
·      Our motor scooter’s alarm malfunctioned as we tried to leave downtown Ottawa (we think someone may have tampered with it).
·      Mark losing his glasses and then finding them the next morning in the grass as he was doing push-ups!
·      Five-minute showers that cost .50. I had to spend $1.50, since I am not yet adept at taking a quick shower! Believe me…it’s not fun when you are lathered up and you have to stop to put in another fifty cents.
·      Completing Intercultural Communication, the five-week course I taught for OCC! Well-done, students! Hey there OCC friends – I miss you!

We are headed to Sault Saint Marie, which is on the border of Michigan and should be in Nellie-Belle (the name of our motor-home) for four hours today. No worries for those of you concerned about the kitties – they sleep the days away.

One more thing…yesterday, while driving on Route 17, the TransCanadian Highway, we almost collided with a BIG black bear running across the road. Thank goodness, my husband has great reflexes and avoided disaster.

Ciao’ for now.
PS: We DID NOT buy the sandals!

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