Sunday, January 1, 2012

Leaving the New Jersey winter

Big Paul Suriano, my 77 year-old father, flew in from Myrtle Beach on December 23rd in time for the holidays and our adventure across country that was to begin on 12/29/11. 
Christmas Eve, 2011
Destination: San Diego, California. Our first two days on the road, we headed south out of New Jersey towards warmer weather.  Unbeknownst to us, our heat did not work in the motor home, so we drove for 500 miles in a vehicle that was 50 degrees inside. Not fun. My sister, Susan, thought I was absolutely crazy since I was more concerned about Sophie and Phoebe (our beloved kitties) than the humans on board. But once we arrived in North Carolina the temperature increased to 60 degrees and we were all feeling better. Mark was a driving machine and we arrived in Savannah, Georgia, by day two. 

For New Year’s Eve (day) we took a trolley tour through charming, quaint Savannah. All three of us fell in love with this historic city: the architecture, 21 botanical town parks, the waterfront, local artists, oyster shell sidewalks and the array of shops and restaurants. 
Catholic Basilica
Big Paul admiring the Italian marble.
A HUGE shipping vessel from Hong Kong.
My father is keeping a journal of daily activities.
My hubby matched the building ; )
Crazy walkways near the waterfront, linking the market square area.
The city is rich in history, as well as popular culture (the movies Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil and Forrest Gump were filmed there). 
Savannah City Market

Paula Dean's restaurant, "The Lady and Sons."
We opted to eat elsewhere...Big Paul is not a fan.
Dad with Johnny Mercer, a musical genius ("Moon River" among many others).
A wine store's message to potential customers. Love it!
Scenic view of market square
Great marketing! Is it strange that I would love to have this vehicle?
The oyster shell sidewalks (over 120 years old and no cracks).
SCAD: Savannah College of Arts and Design (great store).

Farewell, Savannah! We will surely visit again, but for now, we are eager to get to Florida.